Hints, Tricks and Horrors of Product Pursuit

Welcome Inventors and Entrepreneurs (Clip 0)

I want to expand on my short audio greeting to Inventors and Entrepreneurs - and anyone seeking product success. (I plan to keep the audio as a header feature.) So here goes!

Inventor Videos will give you information - short and entertaining. You'll get easy guidance, instruction and insight to the design, development, manufacturing and marketing of successful products. We intend to motivate & assist your profitable product pursuit by exposing ways, means and mistakes discovered the hard way (some stolen from my book). Here's a few topics of interest we'll cover...

  • Patents - Trademarks - Copyrights ...all the basics.
  • Rules - Tools - Guides...for product development.
  • Hints - Tricks - Horrors...promoting products to market.
  • How To Prepare...package - price - distribute a product.
You'll see methods of turning concepts into inventions and worthy products. You'll learn the easy way to push products and deal with the big boys. Plus you'll see discoveries from trade shows and other inventors.
  • Inventions - Innovations - Great Ideas (yours - ours - theirs)
Inventor Videos will encourage interest and support of entrepreneurial activity. We welcome ideas, topics and comments to help others. Please subscribe to get notice of new videos and our latest shared info. Thank you, Tom.

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